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SD-11 Shield "Karl von Trier" 14th cent. - wooden planks
Availability: ON STOCK
Source: Original shield of Great Master Karl von Trier dated after year 1320.

Dated: 1320-1400

Height: 98 cm (original height of shield)

Width: 59 cm (measured along the circumference)

Technology of production  is based on the existing original shields.

 Thickness of planks: 10-13 mm

Width of planks : 50-60 mm

Weight: ca. 2,4 kg

Material: poplar glued planks.

To finish the shield you need to cover it with parchment, linen, gesso then paint it and fix the leather handles and belts.


Medieval shields were made from glued wooden planks, usually butted against each other without any dowels or tongues. The planks were usually 40-80 mm wide and 10-13mm (somethimes up to 15mm) thick. Shields were made of linden, poplar or birch wood. What made them springy and resilient was a layer of parchment leather and linen applied with bone glue. The linen was covered with gesso - a mixture of bone glue and chalk powder - which served as a ground layer for the coat-of-arms and simultaneously added to protection. Coats of arms were painted with egg temperas, today usually replaced with acrylic paints. Straps and cushions were usually attached last, after the painting was done, so that if they could be replaced without damaging the painting and the linen and leather layers.

75,00 €
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Brass rivet, full, rounded head
Size: length of pin - 6,5 mm, diameter - 1,4 mm
U-shaped hairpin with twisted wire decoration
Material: Brass
Dated: probably 14th cent.
Source: Museum of London
Double buckle - for belts or as a harness buckle etc. Dated: 1350-1700
Size : A- 3,5 cm
Source: Archaeological finding from Gdansk (Danzig).
Material: brass
Dated: 1330-1400
Height: 66 cm
Width: 54 cm
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