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St-23 Buckle and strapend set for 14th-15th cent.
25,00 €
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B-003 Knight's girdle buckle

Dated: 1250-1330
Size : A-3 cm, B-5 cm, C-5,5 cm, D-4,5 cm
Source: Grave find dated on 3rd quarter of 13th
cent. from Frankfurt on Mein, Germany.
Material: brass

31,00 €
B-004 Knight's or military girdle buckle

Dated: 1300-1500
Size : A-4 cm; B-5 cm; C-4,3cm

Material: brass


14,50 €
B-004P Knight's or military girdle buckle - with buckle plate

Dated: 1300-1500
Size : A-4 cm; B-5 cm; C-4,5cm
Source: Archeological find.
Material: brass

20,50 €
B-014 A shaped belt buckle

Dated: 1200-1330
Size: A- 2,6 cm, B -2,8 cm, C-4 cm, D-3,5 cm
Source: a find from Germany
Material: brass

13,00 €
B-014P A shaped belt buckle - with buckle plate

Dated: 1200-1330
Size: A- 2,6 cm, B -2,8 cm, C-4 cm, D-3,5 cm
Source: a find from Germany
Material: brass

19,00 €
B-015 A shaped girdle buckle

Dated: 1200-1330
Size: A- 2,5 cm, B -3,5 cm, C-4 cm, D-3 cm
Source: a find from England
R.Whitehead, "Buckles"

Material: brass

13,00 €
B-015P A shaped girdle buckle - with buckle plate

Dated: 1200-1330
Size: A- 2,5 cm, B -3,5 cm, C-4 cm, D-3 cm
Source: a find from England
R.Whitehead, "Buckles"
Material: brass

19,00 €
B-107 Big trapezoidal buckle for knightly or military girdle
Dated: 1300-1450
Size : A-4,4 cm, B-6 cm, C-5,8 cm, D-5 cm
Source: Iconography - tombstones: of Ludwig von
Ottingen + 1360, Kirchein am Ries...
38,00 €
B-107P Big trapezoidal buckle for knightly or military girdle - with buckle plate
Dated: 1300-1450
Size : A-4,4 cm, B-6 cm, C-5,8 cm, D-5 cm
Source: Iconography - tombstones: of Ludwig von
Ottingen + 1360, Kirchein am Ries...
45,00 €
B-108 Big buckle for knightly or military girdle
Dated: 1300-1450
Size: A - 3,7 cm; B - 4,7 cm; C - 6,3 cm; D - 7,2 cm
Source: Iconography - tombstones: description soon
38,00 €
B-108P Big buckle for knightly or military girdle - with buckle plate
Dated: 1300-1450
Size: A - 3,7 cm; B - 4,5 cm; C - 6,3 cm; D - 7,2 cm
Source: Iconography - tombstones: description soon
45,00 €
B-109 Medieval trapezoidal buckle for knight or sword girdle
Dated: 1350-1500
Size : 3 cm, B-3,9 cm, C-4,5 cm, D-5,5 cm
Source: Iconography - tombstones: Ludwig von
Ottingen + 1360, Kirchein am Ries...
23,00 €
B-112 Medieval trapezoidal buckle for knight or sword girdle
Dated: 1350-1500
Source: Iconography - tombstones: Ludwig von Ottingen + 1360, Kirchein am Ries ; Gilles de Hamal +1354; St. George (Bavarian National Museum).
Size : 2,9 cm, B-3,5 cm, C-3,7 cm, D-5 cm
13,00 €
B-113 Medieval trapezoidal buckle for knight or sword girdle
Dated: 1350-1500
Source: Iconography - tombstones: Ludwig von Ottingen + 1360, Kirchein am Ries ; Gilles de Hamal +1354; St. George (Bavarian National Museum).
Size : 3,5 cm, B-4,5 cm, C-4,5 cm, D-6 cm
16,00 €
B-118 Big double buckle for knightly or military girdle
Big double, solid buckle - for knightly or military girdle
Dated: 1350-1700
Size : A-4,3 cm
42,00 €
B-270 Buckle for knightly or military girdle
Dated: 1300-1450
Size: C - 6 cm, D - 9 cm
Source: Iconography - tombstones
45,00 €
KB 001 Knight belt with mounts
Dated: 1200-1330
Width: 3,5 cm
Stamps: ST-01
Mounts: M-24 x 10 pcs
179,00 €
KB 002 Knightly girdle 13th cent.
Dated: 1250-1350
Width: 4,5 cm
Fittings: M-65 x 32 pcs.
279,00 €
KB 003 Knightly girdle from Ludwig von Ottingen tombstone
Dated: 1350-1400
Width: ca. 4,5 cm
Mounts: M-03 x 10 pcs
Buckle: B-107
Color: black
Lenght: ca. 160 cm
Sources: Belt from Ludwig von Ottingen tombstone (dated after 1360 ). Strapend from Sobotka (Silesia).
235,00 €
KB 004 Knight belt - Gunther von Swarzburg
Dated: 1350-1400
Width: ca. 4,5 cm
Mounts: M-02 x 10 pcs
Color: light brown
Length: ca. 160 cm
Sources: Belt from Johann von Falkenstein tombstone (dated after 1365 ) and Gunther von Swarzburg tombstone (after 1352)
235,00 €
KB 005 Knightly girdle
Dated: 1300-1400
Width: ca. 4,5 cm
Mounts: M-04 x 40 pcs
Buckle: B-108
Sources: Archeological find from Slovakia (Ducove, Trnava). Buckle from Gunther von Schwarzburg tombstone (dated after 1352 ). Strapend from Sobotka (Silesia).
340,00 €
KB 006 Knight belt
Dated: 1300-1400
Width: ca. 4,5 cm
Mounts: M-04 x 40 pcs
Buckle: B-108
Sources: Archeological find from Slovakia (Ducove, Trnava). Buckle from Gunther von Schwarzburg tombstone (dated after 1352 ). Strapend from Sobotka (Silesia).
340,00 €
KB 007 Knightly girdle from Slovakia
Dated: 1300-1400
Width: ~4,5 cm
Fittings: M-04 x 40 pcs. M-05 x 3 pcs.
Source: Archeological findings from Slovakia
425,00 €
KB 008 Knightly girdle
Dated: 1350-1400
Width: ca. 4,5 cm
Mounts: M-24 x 16 pcs
Color: light brown
Length: ca. 160 cm
Sources: Buckle from Gunther von Schwarzburg tombstone (dated after 1352 ).
235,00 €
KB 008B Knightly girdle
Dated: 1300-1450
Width: ca. 4,3 cm
Mounts: 10 x M-24
190,00 €
KB 009 Knigtl belt from Wilhelm von Bopfingen tombstone
Dated: 1350-1400
Width: ca. 5 cm
Mounts: M-62 x 35 szt.,
Buckle: B-270
Color: black
Lenght: ca. 170 cm - will be OK for waist 100 - 125 cm
Sources: Belt from Wilhelm von Bopfingen tombstone (dated after 1360 ).
495,00 €
KB 010 Knightly girdle 13th cent.
Dated: 1250-1350
Width: 4,5 cm
Fittings: M-02 x 10 pcs.
245,00 €
KB 011 Knight belt "Voit von Rieneck"
Dated: 1350-1420
Width: 5,5 cm
410,00 €
KB 018 Knightly girdle
Double leather, sewed knightly belt.
Dated: 1250-1350
Width: 4,5 cm
Fittings: M-02 x 12 szt.
Stamps: Fleur de lys" – a stamping based on archeological finds from London, Kolobrzeg (Poland) and Germany. Source: Based on gravestone of prince Henryk IV Probus.
390,00 €
KB 019 Knightly girdle "from Temple Church" 13th cent.
Dated: 1300-1350
Width: 4,5 cm
Fittings: M-65 x 17 pcs. / M-24 x 16 pcs.
415,00 €
KB 020 Knight belt "Voit von Rieneck"
Belt made from double sewed natural leather with 14 pieces of round mounts.

Dated: 1350-1420
Width: 6 cm
Fittings: M-27 x 12 pcs.
Sources: Tombstone from Germany - Voit von Rieneck, died 1379.
430,00 €
KB 021 Knight belt "Voit von Rieneck"
Belt made from double sewed natural leather with 12 pieces of round mounts.

Dated: 1350-1420
Width: 6 cm
Fittings: M-27 x 12 pcs.
Sources: Tombstone from Germany - Voit von Rieneck, died 1379.
495,00 €
KB 022 Knight belt "Voit von Rieneck"
Belt made from double sewed natural leather
Dated: 1350-1420
Width: 6 cm
Fittings: M-27 x 12 pcs. / M-62 x 13 pcs.
Sources: Tombstone from Germany - Voit von Rieneck, died 1379.
640,00 €
KB 023 Knight belt "Voit von Rieneck"
Belt made from double sewed natural leather with 12 pieces of round mounts.

Dated: 1350-1420
Width: 6 cm
Fittings: M-27 x 12 pcs. / M-62 x 13 pcs.
Sources: Tombstone from Germany - Voit von Rieneck, died 1379.
630,00 €
KB 024 Knight belt "Voit von Rieneck" - heraldic strapend
Belt made from double sewed natural leather with 14 pieces of round mounts.

Dated: 1350-1420
Width: 6 cm
Fittings: M-27 x 14 pcs. / M-62 x 15 pcs.
Sources: Tombstone from Germany - Voit von Rieneck, died 1379.
640,00 €
KB 025 Knight belt - heraldic strapend
Dated: 1350-1420
Width: 6 cm
Fittings: M-27 x 19 pcs. / M-62 x 20 pcs. / M-03 x 5 pcs.
Sources: Tombstone from Germany - Voit von Rieneck, died 1379.
720,00 €
KB 026 Knight Belt with segmental mounts
Belt is compound of 22 segmental mounts, laid on gross leather belt with another one thiner. Lenght: ca. 150 cm
Width: 5,5 cm
820,00 €
KB 027 Knight girdle - "St. George"
Source: National Museum Munich - Sculpture of St. George
Dated: 1410-1420
Fittings: M-35 x 40 pcs. M-36 x 21 pcs.
540,00 €
KB 028 Knight belt "Voit von Rieneck"
Dated: 1350-1420
Sources: Tombstone from Germany - Voit von Rieneck, died 1379.
880,00 €
KB 029 Knight Belt with segmental mounts - Sir Richard Pembridge
Belt is made from double natural leather (sewed together) with segmental and round mounts.
Length: ca. 120 cm
Width: 5,5 cm
890,00 €
KB 030  Knight belt "Gunther von Swarzburg"
Dated: 1350-1450
Width: 4,7 cm
Fittings: M-03 x 28 pcs.
Sources: Tombstone from Germany - Gunther von Schwarzburg, died 1352.
625,00 €
KB 17 Knightly girdle
Double leather, sewed knightly belt.
Dated: 1250-1350
Width: 4,5 cm
Fittings: M-66 x 30 pcs.
380,00 €
KB-031 Knight girdle "Walter von Hohenklingen"
Knight girdle from tombstone of Walter von Hohenklingen killed at the battle of Sempach 1386.
Length: ca. 180 cm
1 680,00 €
KG 001 Knight girdle - enameled
Dated: 1360-1450
Source: Iconography from gravestones from 1350-1450
Width: 5,7 cm.,
Lenghth: 90 cm
640,00 €
KG 002 Knight girdle with rosette
Dated: 1360-1450
Source: Iconography from gravestones from 1350-1450
Width: belt with fittings ~5,5cm., rosette - 11,5 x 11,5 cm
Lenghth: 92 cm
858,00 €
KG 003 Knight girdle - Enameled
Length: ~87 cm
Width: 5,5 cm
Material: brass, natural leather, enamels
858,00 €
KG 004 Knight girdle
Belt is compound of 18 or more segmental mounts, laid on gross leather belt ( sewed by hand ) with another one thiner.
Lenght: ~87 cm
Width: ca 5,2 cm
838,00 €
KG 005 Knight girdle - Enameled- Regulated
Belt is compound of 20 (depending on circumference) segmental mounts, laid on gross leather belt ( sewed by hand ) with another one thiner.
Lenght: 87,5 / 97,5cm
Width: 5,5 cm
968,00 €
KG 006 Knight girdle with Tower - Enameled
Belt is compound of 17 segmental mounts and a tower as a removable fastener.
Length: ~87 cm 
Width: 5,2 cm
Material: brass, natural leather, enamels
948,00 €
KG 007 Knight girdle - Enameled- Regulated
Belt is compound of 20 (depending on circumference) segmental mounts, laid on gross leather belt ( sewed by hand ) with another one thiner.
Lenght: 87,5 / 97,5cm
Width: 5,5 cm
968,00 €
KG 008 Knight girdle - Enameled - Regulated
Belt is compound of 20 (depending on circumference) segmental mounts, laid on gross leather belt with another one thiner. Lenght: 91 / 101cm
Width: 5,7 cm
968,00 €
KG 009 Knight girdle - Enameled - Regulated
Belt is compound of 20 (depending on circumference) segmental mounts, laid on gross leather belt with another one thiner. Lenght: 91 / 101cm
Width: 5,7 cm
968,00 €
KG 010 Knight girdle - Rudolf IV of Vienna
Belt is compound of 17 segmental mounts, laid on gross leather belt ( sewed by hand ) with another one thiner.
Length: 93 cm
Width: 5,5 cm
968,00 €
KG 011 Knight girdle - Rudolf IV of Vienna
Belt is compound of rosette and 16 segmental mounts, laid on gross leather belt ( sewed by hand ) with another one thiner.
Length: 87 / 98,5cm
Width: 5,5 cm
1 180,00 €
KG 012 Knight girdle "from Nuremberg"
Belt is compound of segmental mounts, laid on gross leather belt with another one thiner. Width: 5,5 cm
870,00 €
KG 013 Knight girdle with Castle Towers
Belt is compound of segmental tower mounts with removable fastener.
Length: ~95 cm
Width: 5,5 cm
Material: brass, natural leather
1 990,00 €
KG 015 Knight girdle with custom heraldic motiff
Dated: 1360-1450
Width: ~5cm.
Lenghth: 80 / 90cm
860,00 €
KG 016 Knight girdle with custom heraldic motiff
Dated: 1360-1450
Source: Iconography from tombstones from 1350-1400
Width: belt with fittings ~6cm., rosette - 12x 12 cm
Lenghth: 80 / 92/ 112cm
1 180,00 €
KG 017 Knight girdle with custom heraldic motiff
Knight girdle with coat of arm of the Plantagenet's House from the period of Henry V
Width: ~5  cm
Material: brass, natural leather, enamels
1 180,00 €
KG 018  Knight girdle -with custom heraldic motiff
Belt is compound of segmental mounts laid on gross leather belt
Width: 5,7 cm
Material: brass, natural leather, enamels
980,00 €
KG 019 Knight Belt with Castle Towers and heraldic motif
Belt is compound of segmental heraldic mounts and tower mounts, rectangular with a heraldic shield in the middle as a removable fastener.
Length: ~95 cm
Width: 5,5 cm
Material: brass, natural leather
1 599,00 €
KGC 001 Tower - fastener to segmental knight belt
Tower - fastener to segmental knight belt
Dated: 1370-1420
Source - Germany, Frankfurt am Main, Katharinenkirche, Weikhard Frosch (1375-1401)
145,00 €
M-02 Knight belt fitting
Dated: 1250-1400
Size: A-4 cm, D-0,5cm
Source: Fitting based on iconography from
a gravestone of Silesian Duke Henry IV Probus.
10,00 €
M-03 Mount for knightly girdle
Dated: 1350-1450
Size: A-4 cm; C-0,9 cm, D - 0,5 cm.
Source: Iconography from tombstones dated 1350-1450.
10,00 €
M-04 Knightly girdle mount
Dated: 1350-1450
Size: A - 4 cm, B - 1,2 cm, D- 0,6 cm
Source: Grave find form Slovakia. Ducove Okr. Trnava.
5,50 €
M-05 Mount for knightly girdle
Dated: 1350-1450
Size: A-4 cm; C-0,9 cm, D - 0,5 cm.
9,50 €
M-100 Flower mount for knightly girdle " Master of the Třeboň "
Size: A- 3,7 cm, B- 3,7 cm
Source: Crucifixion painting of " Master of the Třeboň " , Czech Republic Dated: Painting is dated on 1385
10,00 €
M-12 Civil or knightly belt fitting
Dated: 1250-1450
Size: A-0,9 cm, D-0,5cm
Source: Archeological find of specific
knightly belt from Elblag.
2,70 €
M-13 Civil or knighty belt fitting
Dated: 1150-1450
Size: A-0,9 cm, D-0,5cm
Source: Archeological find from Gdansk
and London.
2,70 €
M-19 Knightly girdle mount
Dated: 1350-1450
Size: A - 5 cm, B - 5 cm, D - 0,7 cm.
Source: Iconography - tombstones.
30,00 €
M-24 Belt mount "Flower"
Dated: 1300-1400
Size: A - 3,3 cm, D- 0,4 cm
Source: Iconography - tombstones. Temple Church of London
7,00 €
M-27 Mount for knight belt "von Reineck"
Dated: 1350-1450
Size: A-5 cm; D - 0,5 cm.
Source: Iconography from tombstones: Voit von Rieneck, Neustad am Main, + 1379.
19,00 €
M-27E Mount for knight belt "von Reineck" - enameled
Dated: 1350-1450
Size: A-5 cm; D - 0,5 cm.
Source: Iconography from tombstones: Voit von Rieneck, Neustad am Main, + 1379.
23,00 €
M-35 Belt mount "ball - small"
Dated: 1300-1500
Size: A - 1,7 cm, Height 0,9 cm
Source: Archeological find from London
5,00 €
M-36 Belt mount "ball - big"
Dated: 1300-1500
Size: A - 2,8 cm, Height 1,5 cm
Source: Archeological find from London
10,00 €
M-62 Knightly girdle mount
Size: A- 4,8 cm, B- 1 cm, D- 0,9 cm
Dated: 1350-1450
Source: Tombstone of Walter von Bobfingen dated about 1350. Germany.
10,00 €
M-65 Belt mount from "Temple Church" 13-th cent.
Dated: 1230-1330
Size: A - 3,6 cm, B - 1 cm, D- 0,4 cm
Source: Iconography - tombstones. Temple Church of London
4,80 €
S-004 Knightly girdle or woman girdle strapend
Dated: 1300-1500
Size: A-4,3 cm; B-5,5 cm, D-0,4 cm
Source: Archeological find.
22,00 €
S-080 Knightly girdle or woman girdle strapend from Żerniki - Jaryszki
Dated: 1300-1500
Size: A-4,5 cm; B-5,2 cm, D-0,7 cm
Source: Archeological find.
26,00 €
S-081 Knightly girdle or woman girdle strapend from castle Szczerba
Dated: 1300-1500
Size: A-5,4 cm; B-6 cm, D-0,7 cm cm
Source: Archeological find.
29,00 €
S-082 Knight belt Strapend "Wilhelm von Bobfingen"
Dated: 1340-1450
Size: A-5,3 cm B-8,5 cm
Source: Iconography - gravestone of Wilhelm von Bobfinger and others - Otto's von Orlamunde tombstone.
35,00 €
S-082E Strapend "Wilhelm von Bobfingen" (enameled)
Dated: 1340-1450
Size: A-5,3 cm B-8,5 cm
Source: Iconography - tombstone of Wilhelm von Bobfingen (after year 1350) and others - Otto's von Orlamunde tombstone (+1340).
40,00 €
S-083 Knightly girdle strapend
Dated: 1250-1350
Size: A-4,3 cm; B-4,9 cm, D-0,6 cm
Source: Available soon
27,00 €
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